
10 Steps to True Healing and True Forgiveness on Relationship Issues.

Are you ready to be free of the burden you've been carrying? Are you ready to be free of the triggers to emotional outbursts? Have you had enough anger, irritation, hatred and depression? If so, then this course is designed for you!

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Benefits of This Course

As we go through life, we experience many different things and some of those things we experience are unpleasant or hurtful. This can and often does include words and actions of another person that may have felt like we were being attacked or diminished in some way. These are stored in our memory as hurts, caused by another person, group of people or an event.

These memories may seem like they are forgotten and no longer relevant to us in our lives, until someone says or does something that reminds us of the hurtful experience and we react in an unpleasant way to whoever or whatever just reminded us of the old buried pain. The reason this happens is because we have not forgiven the person, group of people or the event associated with that hurtful memory.

God wants us to be free of these hurtful memories and knows that only true forgiveness will make the pain go away and stay away. Anything else is only a temporary bandage, waiting to be ripped off, at some point in the future, once again revealing the festering wound that has never healed. These unhealed wounds, given enough time, can lead to physical ailments and dis-ease. This is why God has shown us a 10 step process to address and heal the hurtful memories.

Once we forgive someone, we open the door to love and provide the opportunity for true healing to take place. When someone says they will forgive, but never forget, they are not really forgiving because they are planning on holding the grudge against that person, forever.

When you truly forgive and love the person, the emotional charge goes away and with time the unpleasant or harmful event fades away from memory as well. This is true healing. This is where love, peace, harmony and unity reside. This is where we want to reside as well. True forgiveness is the key to getting there!

Are you ready to forgive? If so, join us in our forgiveness classes. We have created a series of classes that clearly explain and demonstrate the 10 step healing process that we have personally used to heal old hurts and truly forgive the person who originally caused these hurts.

In this class, John clearly explains all about the healing and forgiveness process, including the stages or steps involved in true healing and explains in detail the 10 step forgiveness process.

Then Sue demonstrates using the 10 step process to heal unresolved relationship issues with her ex-husband. Sue clearly demonstrates the power of the 10 step forgiveness process that God showed us..

What you'll learn

  • The importance of forgiveness.

  • What are the 5 stages/steps to true healing?

  • How the 10 step forgiveness process accomplishes all 5 stages/steps to true healing.

  • The 3 steps in identifying what needs to be healed and forgiven.

  • The 3 steps in releasing the stuck negative emotions.

  • The 3 steps in accomplishing true forgiveness.

  • How to seal the healing with love (step 10).

  • Why do beliefs matter?


We strongly recommend and encourage that you learn and practice the BIBO BREATHWORK technique that is described and demonstrated in the BIBO BREATHWORK section of our FREE website www.wakinguptogodslove.com. Please watch all 4 animated videos that thoroughly describe the technique and all the videos of Sue and John demonstrating the techniques. It is important that you be familiar with BIBO BREATHWORK as it is instrumental in the 10 step forgiveness process.

This course includes:
  • 1 hour plus on-demand video

  • Full lifetime access

  • Access on mobile and TV

