About Course


Each course will describe the 10 step forgiveness process in detail, including providing a downloadable pdf file of the outline of the process, step by step. In addition each course will include a detailed explanation of the entire 10 step forgiveness process and demonstrations by either Sue or John of the entire process step by step.

This course features Sue using the 10 step forgiveness process to heal and forgive her ex-husband for cheating on her during their 25 year marriage. Sue's use of the process is a dynamic example of the power of this process in achieving forgiveness.

The many aspects that are involved with marital betrayal can be devastating to one's self confidence, feeling of self worth, trust of another person or even their trust of God. Sue's use of the process and her demonstrations clearly show how thorough and powerfull this process is in accomplishing true and lasting healing and forgiveness.

We chose this topic for demonstrating the amazing power of this process because marital infidelity and betrayal is a very emotionally damaging experience with lasting impact on the one who was betrayed. To be able to heal this and be free of the emotional burden is truly a miracle. This course is a must for anyone who has experienced infidelity by a partner.

In addition, this process is ideal for healing and forgiving any issue in any relationship, intimate or casual. So if you have unhealed hurts from family members, friends or co-workers, this process will work perfectly in those relationships as well.

If you are ready to be free of the burden you have been carrying from un-healed hurts, then this class will give you a process you can quickly and easily learn and use to truly heal yourself and forgive those who have hurt you. If you are ready to forgive, then this class was designed for you.

This course includes:
  • 1 hour plus on-demand video

  • Full lifetime access

  • Access on mobile and TV

